The GUCA Scholarship Foundation Program was established to help ease the financial burden of a higher education degree and promotes the development of a more competent workforce for the future. We need the commitment of all GUCA members to accomplish this goal.
Each year, the GUCA Scholarship Foundation will hold a sporting clays event to raise money for the Foundation. In addition, we are creating other avenues in which you can contribute to this worthwhile cause.
The GUCA Scholarship Foundation Program was established to help ease the financial burden of a higher education degree and promotes the development of a more competent workforce for the future. We need the commitment of all GUCA members to accomplish this goal.
Each year, the GUCA Scholarship Foundation will hold a sporting clays event to raise money for the Foundation. In addition, we are creating other avenues in which you can contribute to this worthwhile cause.
Georgia Utility Contractors Association
The Nation's Largest Utility Construction Association
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